Use Matlab functions for mathematics
A beginner in programming might be hearing of the word functions in programming for the first time. It’s much easier for you to get confused with the term mathematical functions, especially if you have a mathematical background. The functions described here are computer programming functions. These functions are the main building blocks for each code that you would write. If you want to accomplish a complicated task, you must incorporate its use. Nearly every task that you perform in Matlab involves the use of functions.
For a mathematics assignment, Matlab has a large number of functions that you could utilize. You might be wondering whether itis possible to use Matlab functions for mathematics? Do not worry. This article would brief you about the functions which you can apply in your mathematics assignment.
What are their functions?
Whichever programming language you may use, you will come across this term. It isn’t as complicated as you may think. it’s a simple one. Perhaps you might have used it many times before. In the computer programming realm, we define a function as a reusable set of lines of code. Functions can return a value or perform a precise operation. In some computer languages, the word a function and a procedure can be used alternatively.
Types of functions.
Functions can be classified in various ways. The common ways of categorizing functions are:-
1. Inbuilt and user-defined functions
In Matlab, you might have come across the function print. Well, this is an example of an inbuilt function. Sometimes they are referred to as readymade functions. We define an inbuilt function as a function that comes with the libraries. When you decide to use a toolbox such as the signal processing toolbox, it will come with the function that you can use. These inbuilt functions have a syntax that you must adhere to. Failure could lead to errors. Therefore, to avoid such issues, you must read the related documents.
User-defined functions are the ones that you have to create yourself. These functions require you to declare the variables that you would use and the conditions which the variables satisfy. Matlab has a unique way of creating a function. To create a function, you use Matlab’s inbuilt function known as function at the beginning, and you close the function by using the end statement. Let’s show you an example. Say you want to create a function pack.
function f = pack(x, y)
‘Your statements’
From the above function, you can note that we made use of values x and y. These are the variables the function needs and whenever you call this function you must state these variables. Variable f is a function that is used inside the function statement and has an impact.
2. Returns a value or performs an operation
Here is another way of classifying a function based on the results. By functions that return a value, we imply those functions that yield a numerical value, string, matrix, or a logical value. Functions that return a value are the ones that we will use a lot in most mathematical courses. For instance, you might be required to conduct a hypothesis test of a population. In this case, you need to compute the p-value.
Functions that perform an operation are very common. They do not yield anything. They include the function that deletes the item in the console. Their use is less common in mathematical manipulations.
3. Local or nested functions
Here we classify user-made functions depending on the structure in a file. Note it’s generally possible for a code file to have more than one function. A local function is the most used by many, as it’s much easier. They are the normal functions that you create in a file. They are just subroutines that are in the same file, not following a specific order.
In a nested function, the functions are contained in one function known as the parent function. These are functions that are used by experts in Matlab. They are particularly useful if the functions use shared data. Additionally, it’s much easier to call a variable in the parent function without the need to pass it as an argument in the other function.
4. Public and global
Here we define a function depending on where it can be used. Private functions are used in the file where they are created while public functions can be used in other files.
Is it possible to use Matlab for mathematics?
The answer to this question is a straightforward one. Yes, it’s possible. Matlab is a mathematical computing software that has been in the industry for more than three decades. It has evolved to become one of the core programming languages. Unlike other high-level programming languages such as C, Matlab was introduced in the market to help with mathematics problems. This was its goal and the software has never deviated from it. As time went by, it has been incorporated into the curriculum of many universities.
The main advantage that you will find with Matlab when developing a mathematics code is that it has all the functions that you will need. In most cases, you won’t need user-defined functions. But if you do, you will find the process of debugging easier as compared to other languages.
What mathematical problems can I solve using Matlab?
There are a lot of Matlab functions that you can use for mathematics. But mathematics is quite wide-ranging and is used in most disciplines. In fact, everything is built upon mathematics. All the engineering tasks have mathematics in them. Here are some of the topics where you can use Matlab: –
- Fourier transform
- Laplace transform
- Regression analysis
- Arithmetic operations
- Algebra
- Calculus
- Number theory
- Numerical differentiation
- Probability theory
- Computational geometry
- Signal processing
- Computational finance
Why we are the best
Sometimes students might find it hard to complete a mathematics assignment. They could be short of time or may have lots of assignments to attend to with strict deadlines. In some cases, the assignment might be tough and need the attention of a professional. Students, therefore, result in asking for professional help which ensures the completion of the assignment before the deadline. This also ensures that the students score high marks. Matlab assignment experts are one such academic help platform.
We are a platform that has been serving students for years. We offer our services for any kind of Matlab related assignment. For the years we have been in this business, we have provided our clients with the finest services. As a result of this, we have amassed a good number of loyal clients pleased with our services.
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In this sample solution demonstrated by the MatLab tutor, there is an application of the Matlab function and Matlab command concept. The expert has revealed ‘how to write Matlab functions Intcompare, Splinecalc, and Hermitecalc under the given constraints. The functions take stated inputs and furnish predetermined output. In one of the parts of the assignment, the expert has demonstrated the use of Matlab command “diff” for calculation of derivative of a function.
function ret = intcompare(x, f, a, b)
syms xs
y = double(f(x));
n = length(x);
[ai,bi,ci,di] = splinecalc(x,f);
[Q,z] = hermitecalc(x,f);
%% Let’s build the function S(x)
for i = 1:n
S(i) = ai(i) + bi(i)*(xs-x(i)) + ci(i)*(xs-x(i))^2 + di(i)*(xs-x(i))^2;
real_integral_val = double(int(f, xs, a, b));
piece_int = 0;
for i = 1:n-1
piece_int = piece_int + double(int(S(i), xs, x(i), x(i+1)));
%% Hermite poly
k = 2*(n-1)+1;
Sh(xs) = Q(k+1,k+1)*(xs-z(k));
for i = 2:k
j = k-i+1;
Sh(xs) = (Sh(xs) + Q(j+1,j+1))*(xs-z(j));
Sh(xs) = Sh(xs) + Q(1,1);
hermite_integral = double(int(Sh, xs, a,b));
ret = zeros(3,3);
ret(1,1) = real_integral_val;
ret(1,2) = piece_int;
ret(1,3) = hermite_integral;
ret(2,1) = 0;
ret(2,2) = piece_int-real_integral_val;
ret(2,3) = hermite_integral-real_integral_val;
ret(3,1) = 0;
ret(3,2) = ret(2,2)/real_integral_val;
ret(3,3) = ret(2,3)/real_integral_val;
function [a,b,c,d] = splinecalc(x, f)
% Campled Cubic Splien Algorithm (3.5)
syms xs
n = length(x)-1;
y = double(subs(f,x));
a = y;
FPO = double(subs(diff(f,xs), x(1)));
FPN = double(subs(diff(f,xs), x(n)));
% Step 1
M = n-1;
h = zeros(1,M+1);
for i = 0:M
h(i+1) = x(i+2)-x(i+1);
%Step 2
alfa = zeros(1,n+1);
alfa(1) = 3*(a(2)-a(1))/h(1) – 3*FPO;
alfa(n+1) = 3*FPN – 3*(a(n+1) – a(n))/h(n);
% Step 3
for i = 1:M
alfa(i+1) = 3*(a(i+2)*h(i)-a(i+1)*(x(i+2)-x(i)) + a(i)*h(i+1))/(h(i+1)*h(i));
%Step 4
I = zeros(1,n+1);
u = zeros(1,n+1);
z = zeros(1,n+1);
I(1) = 2*h(1);
u(1) = 0.5;
z(1) = alfa(1)/I(1);
% Step 5
for i = 1:M
I(i+1) = 2*(x(i+2)-x(i)) – h(i)*u(i);
u(i+1) = h(i+1)/I(i+1);
z(i+1) = (alfa(i+1) – h(i)*z(i))/I(i+1);
% Step 6
I(n+1) = h(n)*(2-u(n));
z(n+1) = (alfa(n+1) – h(n)*z(n))/I(n+1);
c = zeros(1,n+1);
b = zeros(1,n+1);
d = zeros(1,n+1);
c(n+1) = z(n+1);
% Step 7
for i = 1:n
j = n-i;
c(j+1) = z(j+1) – u(j+1)*c(j+2);
b(j+1) = (a(j+2) – a(j+1))/h(j+1) – h(j+1)*(c(j+2)+2*c(j+1))/3;
d(j+1) = (c(j+2) – c(j+1))/(3*h(j+1));
function [Q,z] = hermitecalc(x, f)
syms xs
fp = diff(f,xs);
% Algorithm 3.3
n = length(x)-1;
Q = zeros(2*n+2, 2*n+2);
% Step 1
z = zeros(1,2*n+2);
for i = 0:n
% Step 2
z(2*i+1) = x(i+1);
z(2*i+2) = x(i+1);
Q(2*i+1,1) = double(subs(f(x(i+1))));
Q(2*i+2,1) = double(subs(f(x(i+1))));
Q(2*i+2,2) = double(subs(fp(x(i+1))));
% Step 3
if i ~= 0
Q(2*i+1,2) = (Q(2*i+1,1) – Q(2*i, 1))/(z(2*i+1) – z(2*i));
% Step 4
for i = 2:2*n+1
for j = 2:i
Q(i+1,j+1) = (Q(i+1,j) – Q(i, j))/(z(i+1) – z(i-j+1));
clc, clear all, close all
syms xs % Variable used to define a symbolic function
f(xs) = exp(xs)^2; % Symbolic function to be evaluated
x = 0:3; % x-data [0 1 2 3]
y = double(f(x)); % y data f(x)
% Coeficients a and b
ap= x(1);
bp = x(end);
n = length(x);
%% Calculate and display spline coefficients
[a,b,c,d] = splinecalc(x,f);
spline_coefficients = [a;b;c;d];
%% Calculate and display intcompare solution
intcompare_solution = intcompare(x,f,x(1),x(end))
%% Calculate and display hermite polynomials
[Q,z] = hermitecalc(x,f);
hermite_coefficients = Q;
%% Plot interpolations
xspan = linspace(ap,bp,20);
plot(xspan, f(xspan), ‘–mo’, ‘color’, [0.8500, 0.3250, 0.0980], ‘linewidth’, 3) %red
hold on
% spline_plot = zeros(1,(n-1)*20);
for i = 1:n-1
lb = x(i);
if i < n
ub = x(i+1);
ub = 2*x(i);
xspan = linspace(lb,ub,20);
spline_plot((i-1)*20+1:i*20) = a(i) + b(i).*(xspan-x(i)) + c(i)*(xspan-x(i)).^2 + d(i).*(xspan-x(i)).^3;
plot(xspan, a(i) + b(i).*(xspan-x(i)) + c(i)*(xspan-x(i)).^2 + d(i).*(xspan-x(i)).^3, ‘:’, ‘color’, [0, 0.4470, 0.7410], ‘linewidth’, 2);
hold on
%% Hermite poly
k = 2*(n-1)+1;
Sh(xs) = Q(k+1,k+1)*(xs-z(k));
for i = 2:k
j = k-i+1;
Sh(xs) = (Sh(xs) + Q(j+1,j+1))*(xs-z(j));
Sh(xs) = Sh(xs) + Q(1,1);
xspan = linspace(ap,bp,20);
plot(xspan, Sh(xspan), ‘–‘, ‘color’, [0.9290, 0.6940, 0.1250], ‘linewidth’, 2)
legend(‘Real Values’, ‘Spline’, ‘Hermite’);
% [h,~] = legend(‘show’)
grid minor
title(‘Comparisson of interpolations’);
clc, clear all, close all
syms xs % Variable used to define a symbolic function
f(xs) = exp(xs)^2; % Symbolic function to be evaluated
x = 0:3; % x-data [0 1 2 3]
y = double(f(x)); % y data f(x)
% Coeficients a and b
ap= x(1);
bp = x(end);
n = length(x);
%% Calculate and display spline coefficients
[a,b,c,d] = splinecalc(x,f);
spline_coefficients = [a;b;c;d];
%% Calculate and display intcompare solution
intcompare_solution = intcompare(x,f,x(1),x(end))
%% Calculate and display hermite polynomials
[Q,z] = hermitecalc(x,f);
hermite_coefficients = Q;
%% Plot interpolations
xspan = linspace(ap,bp,20);
plot(xspan, f(xspan), ‘–mo’, ‘color’, [0.8500, 0.3250, 0.0980], ‘linewidth’, 3) %red
hold on
% spline_plot = zeros(1,(n-1)*20);
for i = 1:n-1
lb = x(i);
if i < n
ub = x(i+1);
ub = 2*x(i);
xspan = linspace(lb,ub,20);
spline_plot((i-1)*20+1:i*20) = a(i) + b(i).*(xspan-x(i)) + c(i)*(xspan-x(i)).^2 + d(i).*(xspan-x(i)).^3;
plot(xspan, a(i) + b(i).*(xspan-x(i)) + c(i)*(xspan-x(i)).^2 + d(i).*(xspan-x(i)).^3, ‘:’, ‘color’, [0, 0.4470, 0.7410], ‘linewidth’, 2);
hold on
%% Hermite poly
k = 2*(n-1)+1;
Sh(xs) = Q(k+1,k+1)*(xs-z(k));
for i = 2:k
j = k-i+1;
Sh(xs) = (Sh(xs) + Q(j+1,j+1))*(xs-z(j));
Sh(xs) = Sh(xs) + Q(1,1);
xspan = linspace(ap,bp,20);
plot(xspan, Sh(xspan), ‘–‘, ‘color’, [0.9290, 0.6940, 0.1250], ‘linewidth’, 2)
legend(‘Real Values’, ‘Spline’, ‘Hermite’);
% [h,~] = legend(‘show’)
grid minor
title(‘Comparisson of interpolations’);