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clear; clc;
sim_time = 0.1;
Voltage = 200;
alpha = 90;
alpha_arr = [ ];
vol_arr = [];
cur_arr = [];
pow_arr = [];
vol_arr1 = [];
cur_arr1 = [];
pow_arr1 = [];
figure( 1 )
for i = 1:6
sim( "FCTCR.slx" , sim_time );
pow_arr = [ pow_arr output_res( end , end ) ];
cur_arr = [ cur_arr , output_res( end , 4 ) ];
vol_arr = [ vol_arr , output_res( end , 1 ) ];
Voltage = Voltage + 5;
plot( pow_arr , vol_arr , 'o')
grid on
xlabel( "P[W]" )
ylabel( "V[V]" )
title( "Power vs Voltage" )
hold on
tab1 = array2table( [ vol_arr' pow_arr' cur_arr' ] , 'VariableNames',{'Voltage','Power','Current'} );
save( "table1" , "tab1" );
Voltage = 200;
alpha = 90;
alpha_arr = [ ];
vol_arr = [];
cur_arr = [];
pow_arr = [];
for i = 1:6
sim( "noFCTCR.slx" , sim_time );
pow_arr = [ pow_arr output_res_no( end , end ) ];
cur_arr = [ cur_arr , output_res_no( end , 4 ) ];
vol_arr = [ vol_arr , output_res_no( end , 1 ) ];
Voltage = Voltage + 5;
plot( pow_arr , vol_arr , '*r' )
grid on
xlabel( "P[W]" )
ylabel( "V[V]" )
title( "Power vs Voltage" )
hold off
tab2 = array2table( [ vol_arr' pow_arr' cur_arr' ] , 'VariableNames',{'Voltage','Power','Current'} );
save( "table2" , "tab2" );
Voltage = 220;
figure( 2 )
for i = 1:6
sim( "FCTCR.slx" , sim_time );
pow_arr1 = [ pow_arr1 output_res( end , end ) ];
cur_arr1 = [ cur_arr1 , output_res( end , 4 ) ];
vol_arr1 = [ vol_arr1 , output_res( end , 1 ) ];
alpha = alpha + 5;
alpha_arr = [ alpha_arr alpha ];
plot( alpha_arr , pow_arr , 'o' )
grid on
xlabel( "P[W]" )
ylabel( "Angle[deg]" )
title( "Angle vs Voltage" )
hold on
Voltage = 200;
alpha = 90;
alpha_arr = [ ];
Voltage = 220;
vol_arr1 = [];
cur_arr1 = [];
pow_arr1 = [];
for i = 1:6
sim( "noFCTCR.slx" , sim_time );
pow_arr1 = [ pow_arr1 output_res_no( end , end ) ];
cur_arr1 = [ cur_arr1 , output_res_no( end , 4 ) ];
vol_arr1 = [ vol_arr1 , output_res_no( end , 1 ) ];
alpha = alpha + 5;
alpha_arr = [ alpha_arr alpha ];
plot( alpha_arr , pow_arr , '*r' )
grid on
xlabel( "P[W]" )
ylabel( "Angle[deg]" )
title( "Angle vs Voltage" )
hold off
clc, clear all, close all
data = readtable('IndianBay.csv');
% First, assign an index for each existing year and month in data
% We will organize the data as a matrix MxN, where M is the number of years
% and N is the number of months
years = unique(data.Year);
months = unique(data.Month);
days = unique(data.Day);
M = length(years);
N = length(months);
meantemp = zeros(M,N);
mintemp = Inf*ones(M,N);
maxtemp = -Inf*ones(M,N);
for i = 1:size(data,1)
year = data.Year(i);
month = data.Month(i);
day = data.Day(i);
max_val = data.MaxTemp___C_(i);
min_val = data.MinTemp___C_(i);
mean_val = data.MeanTemp___C_(i);
idx_yr = find(years==year);
idx_mth = find(months == month);
if min_val < mintemp(idx_yr, idx_mth)
mintemp(idx_yr, idx_mth) = min_val;
if max_val > maxtemp(idx_yr, idx_mth)
maxtemp(idx_yr, idx_mth) = max_val;
meantemp(idx_yr, idx_mth) = meantemp(idx_yr, idx_mth) + mean_val/30;
mintemp(isnan(mintemp)) = 0;
mintemp(isinf(mintemp)) = 0;
maxtemp(isnan(maxtemp)) = 0;
maxtemp(isinf(maxtemp)) = 0;
meantemp(isnan(meantemp)) = 0;
meantemp(isinf(meantemp)) = 0;
%% Question 4
%% Plot minimum, maximum and average
% figure
% subplot(3,1,1)
legend_cell = {};
min_monthly_temp = zeros(M, N);
max_monthly_temp = zeros(M, N);
mean_monthly_temp = zeros(M, N);
for i = 1:length(years)
year = years(i);
idx_yr = find(years == year);
for j = 1:length(months)
month = months(j);
idx_mth = find(months == month);
temp = mintemp(idx_yr, idx_mth);
min_monthly_temp(i, j) = temp;
temp = maxtemp(idx_yr, idx_mth);
max_monthly_temp(i, j) = temp;
temp = meantemp(idx_yr, idx_mth);
mean_monthly_temp(i, j) = temp;
% plot(1:12, min_monthly_temp)
% grid on
% xlabel('Month');
%% Question 4
% ylabel('Temperature (ºC)');
% title('Min. Temperature recorded each month');
% subplot(3,1,2)
% plot(1:12, max_monthly_temp)
% grid on
% xlabel('Month');
% ylabel('Temperature (ºC)');
% title('Max. Temperature recorded each month');
% subplot(3,1,3)
% plot(1:12, mean_monthly_temp)
% grid on
% xlabel('Month');
% ylabel('Temperature (ºC)');
% title('Mean Temperature recorded each month');
%% Plot min, max and mean for each month from beginning to end
meantemp_month = reshape(mean_monthly_temp, [1, size(mean_monthly_temp,1)*size(mean_monthly_temp,2)]);
mintemp_month = reshape(min_monthly_temp, [1, size(min_monthly_temp,1)*size(min_monthly_temp,2)]);
maxtemp_month = reshape(max_monthly_temp, [1, size(max_monthly_temp,1)*size(max_monthly_temp,2)]);
plot(1:length(meantemp_month), meantemp_month)
xlabel('Months from the beginning of data');
ylabel('Mean T in degree C');
grid on
plot(1:length(mintemp_month), mintemp_month)
xlabel('Months from the beginning of data');
ylabel('Min T in degree C');
grid on
plot(1:length(maxtemp_month), maxtemp_month)
xlabel('Months from the beginning of data');
ylabel('Max T in degree C');
grid on
%% Question 5
% Divide into 12 time series
min_months = min(mintemp)';
max_months = max(maxtemp)';
mean_months = mean(meantemp)';
mode_months = mode(meantemp)';
median_months = median(meantemp)';
std_months = std(meantemp)';
% Tab = table(min_months, max_months, mean_months, mode_months, median_months, std_months, 'RowNames', {'January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'})
month_names = {'January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'};
for i = 1:12
meanmin(i,1) = min(meantemp(:,i));
meanmax(i,1) = max(meantemp(:,i));
meanmean(i,1) = mean(meantemp(:,i));
meanmedian(i,1) = median(meantemp(:,i));
meanmode(i,1) = mode(meantemp(:,i));
meanstd(i,1) = std(meantemp(:,i));
minmin(i,1) = min(min_monthly_temp(:,i));
minmax(i,1) = max(min_monthly_temp(:,i));
minmean(i,1) = mean(min_monthly_temp(:,i));
minmedian(i,1) = median(min_monthly_temp(:,i));
minmode(i,1) = mode(min_monthly_temp(:,i));
minstd(i,1) = std(min_monthly_temp(:,i));
maxmin(i,1) = min(maxtemp(:,i));
maxmax(i,1) = max(maxtemp(:,i));
maxmean(i,1) = mean(maxtemp(:,i));
maxmedian(i,1) = median(maxtemp(:,i));
maxmode(i,1) = mode(maxtemp(:,i));
maxstd(i,1) = std(maxtemp(:,i));
MeanTab = table(meanmin, meanmean, meanmedian, meanmode, meanmax, meanstd);
MeanTab.Properties.RowNames = month_names;
MinTab = table(minmin, minmean, minmedian, minmode, minmax, minstd);
MinTab.Properties.RowNames = month_names;
MaxTab = table(maxmin, maxmean, maxmedian, maxmode, maxmax, maxstd);
MaxTab.Properties.RowNames = month_names;
%% Question 6
% Fit a line for only the mean timeseries
% Apply a linear fit
x = 1:40; % months
slopvecmean = zeros(12,1);
slopvecmax = zeros(12,1);
slopvecmin = zeros(12,1);
fprintf("Slopes for mean temp...\n");
for i = 1:length(months)
y = meantemp(:,i)'; % Mean temperature per month during 40 years
col = rand(1,3);
plot(min(years)+x, y, 'linewidth', 2), hold on
c = polyfit(x,y,1);
disp(['Equation for ', month_names{i}, ' is y = ' num2str(c(1)) '*x + ' num2str(c(2))])
y_est = polyval(c, x);
plot(min(years)+x, y_est, 'linewidth', 2)
grid on
% legend('Original', 'Fitted');
ylabel('ExtMean T');
slopvecmean(i) = c(1);
fprintf("Slopes for min temp...\n");
for i = 1:length(months)
y = mintemp(:,i)'; % Min temperature per month during 40 years
col = rand(1,3);
plot(min(years)+x, y, 'linewidth', 2), hold on
c = polyfit(x,y,1);
disp(['Equation for ', month_names{i}, ' is y = ' num2str(c(1)) '*x + ' num2str(c(2))])
y_est = polyval(c, x);
plot(min(years)+x, y_est, 'linewidth', 2)
grid on
% legend('Original', 'Fitted');
ylabel('ExtMin T');
slopvecmin(i) = c(1);
fprintf("Slopes for max temp...\n");
for i = 1:length(months)
y = maxtemp(:,i)'; % Max temperature per month during 40 years
col = rand(1,3);
plot(min(years)+x, y, 'linewidth', 2), hold on
c = polyfit(x,y,1);
disp(['Equation for ', month_names{i}, ' is y = ' num2str(c(1)) '*x + ' num2str(c(2))])
y_est = polyval(c, x);
plot(min(years)+x, y_est, 'linewidth', 2)
grid on
% legend('Original', 'Fitted');
ylabel('ExtMax T');
slopvecmax(i) = c(1);
% Generate table of slopes
SlopesTab = table(slopvecmean, slopvecmax, slopvecmin);
SlopesTab.Properties.RowNames = month_names;
%% Question 6
% From figures generated by the code above, there are months where the
% trend is increasing, and some others for a decreasing trend.