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Computer Vision Tutor

Indiana, USA

Kennedy, G

Bachelor’s Degree, Service Robotics & Intelligent Systems, Ball State University, Indiana


Online computer vision tutor


I am an expert in computer vision and deeply familiar with the topics covered in this subject including Poseidon drowning detection systems, audio-visual speech recognition, gesture recognition, closed-circuit televisions, automatic target recognition, contextual image classification, and more. I have been offering online computer vision tutoring services since 2012 and would be happy to provide these services to any student who is struggling with computer vision concepts.

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Addition of Binary Numbers
clear all, clc D1=15; % The First Digits or number D2=10; % The Second Digits (Which we will perform the Two's complement on) % The addtional 1's for second complement [c1,carry, num]=TwosComplement(D1,D2); disp(['The summation of dec1+dec2 in binary format num:= ', num2str(dec2bin(num,8))]) disp(['The summation of dec1+dec2 in decimal format num:= ', num2str(num)]) function [carry1,carry, num]=TwosComplement(D1,D2) % Carry1: Is the carry out from the result of the Tws compleent of % D2 with 1 % carry : Is the carry results from the summation of D1+D2 % num : Is the final results in decimal format if (D2<0) % Checl if the input Digits D2 is negative % We need to perform the Two's complement by % Doing first compement and adding 1 bin2=(reshape(dec2bin(abs(D2),8),8, [])'); for ii=numel(bin2):-1:1 % This code for the first complements if (bin2(ii)=='1') bin2(ii)='0'; else bin2(ii)='1'; end end dec2=bin2dec(bin2); % This code perform the second complement % We add D2+1 if D2 is negative number [carry1,D2]=addition(1,dec2); else carry1=0; end % Perform the Addition of the Two numbers % Using addition function that accept two digit numbers [carry,decnum]=addition(D1,D2) % Convert the obtained results (in binary format into decimal format) num=mod(bin2dec(decnum),255); % Display a decimal number function [carry,decsum]=addition(dec1,dec2) % decsum : The output of the sum of two binary numbers bin1 % (which is the binary representation of dec1, and bin2 for dec2) % carry : The Carry in once there is summation of '1'+'1' at the last % bits of the two number dec1 and dec2 % Addition of two dec numbers % dec1, and dec2 % The First Digit has to be positive dec1 % The Second one can be +dec2 or -dec2 bin1=(reshape(dec2bin(dec1,8),8, [])'); bin2=(reshape(dec2bin(abs(dec2),8),8, [])'); k=0; decsum =char(zeros(1,length(bin1))); carry=0; % The for loop perform the addition of two binary numbers dec1 and dec2 (are converted intwo binary format) for row=length(bin1):-1:1 if (((bin1(row)=='0') && (bin2(row)=='1')) || ((bin1(row)=='1') && (bin2(row)=='0'))) decsum(row)='1'; elseif ((bin1(row)=='1') && (bin2(row)=='1')) decsum(row)='1'; carry='1'; % Check where is the carry bit is k=row; else decsum(row)='0'; end end if (k<=length(bin1)) decsum(9-k)='1'; % set the last row if k is less then 8 carry='0' else carry='1'; end end end
Sorting in Arrays using Matlab
function [out] = betterDataAnalysis(Arr, Flower) %BETTERDATAANALYSIS Summary of this function goes here % Detailed explanation goes here fidx = find(strcmp(Arr(1, :), 'Flower Name')); hidx = find(strcmp(Arr(1, :), 'Height')); widx = find(strcmp(Arr(1, :), 'Width')); Arr = Arr(:, [fidx, hidx, widx]); Arr(2:end, 4) = num2cell(round(cell2mat(Arr(2:end, 2)).*cell2mat(Arr(2:end, 3)), 2)); Arr(1, 4) = {'Volume'}; nremove = 4; [~, idx] = maxk(cell2mat(Arr(2:end, 4)), size(Arr, 1)-nremove-1); idx = [1; idx+1]; Arr = Arr(idx, :); idx = logical([0; strcmpi(Arr(2:end, 1), Flower)]); Arr = Arr(~idx, :); [~, idx] = sort(lower(Arr(2:end, 1))); idx = [1; idx+1]; Arr = Arr(idx, :); out = Arr; out(:, fidx) = Arr(:,1); out(:, hidx) = Arr(:,2); out(:, widx) = Arr(:,3); end function [pizza, feedback] = boneless(pizza) %BONELESS Summary of this function goes here % Detailed explanation goes here loc = strcmpi('bones', pizza); pizza(loc) = {'pepperoni'}; num = sum(loc); if (num == 0) feedback = 'Bruh that was BONELESS!'; elseif(num == 1) feedback = 'Well there''s a bone in my pizza but maybe it was an accident.'; else feedback = 'Absolutely unacceptable, I found ' + string(num) + ' bones in my pizza!'; end end function [atoms] = elementCounter(data) %ELEMENTCOUNTER Summary of this function goes here % Detailed explanation goes here atoms = {}; for atom = data [elems, tok, ~] = regexp(atom{1},'([A-Z][a-z]*)(\d*)','match', 'tokens', 'tokenExtents'); for i = 1:size(elems, 2) elem = tok{1, i}{1}; num = str2num(tok{1, i}{2}); if (isempty(num)) num = 1; end if(size(atoms, 1) > 0) idx = strcmp(atoms(1, :), elem); if(sum(idx) == 0) atoms = [atoms, {elem; num}]; else atoms{2, idx} = atoms{2, idx} + num; end else atoms = {elem; num}; end end end atoms = sortrows(atoms', 1)'; end % * input % * solve % * fclose all % * close % * load % * figure % * imshow % * image % * global % %% Files to Submit % % % - hw07.m % - boneless.m % - betterDataAnalysis.m % - koolAidMan.m % - rapLyrics.m % - elementCounter.m % %% Test Cases % %% boneless load('boneless.mat'); [pizza] = boneless(pizza1); [pizza_soln] = boneless_soln(pizza1); check1 = isequal(pizza, pizza_soln); [pizza] = boneless(pizza2); [pizza_soln] = boneless_soln(pizza2); check2 = isequal(pizza, pizza_soln); [pizza] = boneless(pizza3); [pizza_soln] = boneless_soln(pizza3); check3 = isequal(pizza, pizza_soln); %% betterDataAnalysis load('betterDataAnalysis.mat'); [out] = betterDataAnalysis(table1, flower1); [out_soln] = betterDataAnalysis_soln(table1, flower1); check1 = isequal(out, out_soln); [out] = betterDataAnalysis(table2, flower2); [out_soln] = betterDataAnalysis_soln(table2, flower2); check2 = isequal(out, out_soln); [out] = betterDataAnalysis(table3, flower3); [out_soln] = betterDataAnalysis_soln(table3, flower3); check3 = isequal(out, out_soln); %% koolAidMan load('koolAidMan.mat'); [location] = koolAidMan(building1); [location1] = koolAidMan_soln(building1); check1 = isequal(location, location1); [location] = koolAidMan(building2); [location2] = koolAidMan_soln(building2); check2 = isequal(location, location2); [location] = koolAidMan(building3); [location3] = koolAidMan_soln(building3); check3 = isequal(location, location3); %% rapLyrics load('rapLyrics.mat'); [ca] = rapLyrics(lyric1); [ca_sol] = rapLyrics_soln(lyric1); check1 = isequal(ca, ca_sol); [ca] = rapLyrics(lyric2); [ca_sol] = rapLyrics_soln(lyric2); check2 = isequal(ca, ca_sol); [ca] = rapLyrics(lyric3); [ca_sol] = rapLyrics_soln(lyric3); check3 = isequal(ca, ca_sol); %% elementCounter load('elementCounter.mat'); [out] = elementCounter(elements1); [out_soln] = elementCounter_soln(elements1); check1 = isequal(out, out_soln); [out] = elementCounter(elements2); [out_soln] = elementCounter_soln(elements2); check2 = isequal(out, out_soln); [out] = elementCounter(elements3); [out_soln] = elementCounter_soln(elements3); check3 = isequal(out, out_soln); function [out] = koolAidMan(building) %KOOLAIDMAN Summary of this function goes here % Detailed explanation goes here for r = 1:size(building, 1) for c = 1:size(building, 2) house = building(r,c); counter = 0; while(iscell(house)) house = house{1}; counter = counter+1; end if(~isempty(house)) break end end if(~isempty(house)) break end end out = 'Oh yeah! The Kool-Aid man burst through '+string(counter)+ ... ' walls at row '+string(r)+', column '+string(c)+'.'; end function [ca] = rapLyrics(str) %RAPLYRICS Summary of this function goes here % Detailed explanation goes here str_list = strsplit(lower(str)); idx_list = []; index = 1; counter = 1; for each_str = str_list idx_list(index, 1) = counter; counter = counter + length(each_str{1}) + 1; index = index+1; end [str_list, sort_idx] = sort(str_list); prev_str = str_list{1}; ca = {prev_str; idx_list(sort_idx(1)); 1}; for i = 2:length(str_list) str = str_list{i}; if(~strcmp(str, prev_str)) ca = [ca, {str; idx_list(sort_idx(i)); 1}]; prev_str = str; else ca{3, end} = ca{3, end} + 1; end end ca = sortrows(ca', 3, 'descend')'; end