T-Shirt Launcher and Circuit Analysis Assignments with MATLAB

MATLAB is a powerful tool for solving engineering and scientific problems. This guide will help you approach assignments like the one below by focusing on key MATLAB functionalities and strategies for effective problem-solving.
Getting Started with MATLAB
Understanding the Problem
Before diving into MATLAB, it’s crucial to fully understand the problem. Break down the assignment into manageable parts, identify the required outputs, and note any specific instructions such as file formats or submission guidelines.
Data Import and Organization
MATLAB can handle various data formats including CSV, Excel, and text files. Use readtable, csvread, or xlsread to import data. Organize your data into matrices or tables for easy manipulation.

data = readtable('datafile.csv');
Plotting and Visualizing Data
Basic Plotting
MATLAB’s plotting functions are user-friendly and versatile. For basic plotting, use plot for 2D graphs.
t = data.Time; % Time data
x = data.HorizontalDistance; % Horizontal distance data
plot(t, x);
xlabel('Time (s)');
ylabel('Horizontal Distance (m)');
title('Horizontal Distance vs Time');
Multiple Plots and Customization
For assignments requiring multiple plots on the same graph, use hold on and hold off.
hold on;
plot(t, x, 'r'); % Red line for horizontal distance
plot(t, y, 'b'); % Blue line for vertical distance
legend('Horizontal Distance', 'Vertical Distance');
xlabel('Time (s)');
ylabel('Distance (m)');
title('Distance vs Time');
hold off;
Saving Figures
Save your plots as .fig files for submission using the saveas function.
saveas(gcf, 'Q1a.fig');
Data Analysis and Curve Fitting
Averaging Data
To find the average of multiple datasets, use MATLAB’s mean function.
average_x = mean([x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6], 2); % Averaging across columns
plot(t, average_x);
Curve Fitting
MATLAB’s polyfit and polyval functions can fit data to a polynomial.
p = polyfit(t, average_x, 1); % Linear fit
y_fit = polyval(p, t);
plot(t, average_x, t, y_fit);
Calculating R-squared
The coefficient of determination, R-squared, indicates how well the data fits the model.
SS_res = sum((average_x - y_fit).^2);
SS_tot = sum((average_x - mean(average_x)).^2);
r_squared = 1 - (SS_res / SS_tot);
Solving Specific Questions
T-Shirt Launcher Analysis
For a typical T-shirt launcher assignment, begin by plotting the horizontal and vertical distances of each T-shirt over time. This visualization will help identify patterns or anomalies in the data. Using plot, create graphs for each T-shirt's trajectory and save them appropriately.
To analyze the average distance, compute the mean of the distances for all T-shirts and plot this average. Fit a straight line to this data using polyfit and polyval to find the best-fit line, then calculate the R-squared value to determine the fit's accuracy.
For more complex analysis, such as finding a quadratic fit for height against distance, use the polyfit function with a polynomial degree of 2. This will help estimate heights at specific distances, which is particularly useful for predicting whether a T-shirt will land on a spectator platform or fall short.
Circuit Analysis
Circuit analysis assignment often involve calculating current and voltage under different conditions. Start by defining the circuit parameters and using basic MATLAB functions to compute the RMS values and angles for current.
Plotting these values on an Argand diagram can visually represent the relationship between voltage and current. Additionally, plotting voltage and current waveforms over a cycle can provide insights into the circuit's behavior under varying conditions.
When analyzing the impact of changing components, such as replacing a resistor with a higher value, consider how this affects the overall current waveform. Use MATLAB to simulate these changes and compare the results to the initial conditions.
Tips for Success
- Consistent Practice: Regularly work on similar problems to enhance your MATLAB skills.
- Use Documentation: MATLAB’s documentation is comprehensive. Use it to understand functions and troubleshoot errors.
- Debugging: Use breakpoints and the disp function to debug your code.
- Ask for Help: Join MATLAB forums or study groups if you need additional support.
By following these guidelines, you’ll be well-equipped to solve your MATLAB assignment efficiently and effectively.
Mastering MATLAB is essential for tackling complex engineering and scientific assignments, such as analyzing T-shirt launcher data or performing circuit analysis. By understanding the problem, effectively importing and organizing data, and utilizing MATLAB’s powerful plotting and data analysis tools, you can approach these assignments with confidence. Consistent practice, leveraging documentation, and seeking help when needed will further enhance your proficiency. With these skills, you’ll be able to solve similar assignments efficiently, ensuring accuracy and depth in your analysis. Keep exploring MATLAB's capabilities, and soon you'll find yourself solving even the most challenging problems with ease. Happy coding!